Minggu, 11 Oktober 2020

Review German movie

                    Learn German (A1) : “Nicos Weg”

   I think the Nicos Weg film is very good for improving learning German and has a unique story, this film tells of a man named Nico who just came to Germany ,and then he looking for his bag that was carried by someone else, then he met Emma and Lisa, then  Nico is assisted by Lisa, who has a policeman's father and is looking for her aunt named Yara, in this story, Nico, who is not fluent in German, he learns a lot and adds new vocabulary from people around him, this is also useful for us. I think this film is very suitable for people who want to learn German because it talks about everyday life, but I feel this is not suitable for those who don't want to learn German because the film is boring I think.

The conclusion or lesson that I can take from this story is that we must be more careful about the things we have, help people who are in trouble without expecting anything in return, And the most important thing is not to be selfish

the new vocabulary that I like is kaput, The part I like is when Nico introduces himself to Emma “ ich heiße nico”, and when emma said nico's bag was pretty “ die tasche ist schön”,”ensuldigung” I don't know why I like it but it sounds satisfying to my ears.

Minggu, 27 September 2020

My Goal My Ambition

    Hello my name is Rifki, from childhood I really liked singing, acting, dancing and many more. Even since I was little, I was very interested in fashion I like to see what other people wear and also watch fashion shows.  

   In the future I really want to be a designer because I like unique clothes and I like to draw clothes, I want to have my own boutique that is famous and has my own brand name.

  Besides being a designer I also want to get into the world of entertainment because I also enjoy socializing and being recognized by many people, I also enjoy singing, and I want play movies. besides that, I also want to do food business and open branches abroad and I want to open travel tours for people.

  what makes me proud of myself is that I am someone unique. My mother always said that and now I feel it, my teacher used to say that too, besides that I am a very sociable person. 

 I have the ambition to study abroad either from a scholarship or independently, even though I feel that I am not too smart in calculations but that does not rule out if I get a scholarship.  I still have a lot of dreams.

Minggu, 26 Juli 2020

Dialogue opinion

Meen: Hi kat, how are you?
Kat: Hi meen, I’m good how about you?
Meen: I’m fine , do you know Dior is launching    new shoes ?
Kat: ofcurse because I like fashion , especially branded goods.
Meen: what do you think abaout that shoes?
Kat: well , I think I like it becaus that shoes look good , casual , and classy.
Meen: I think so , that’s shoes didn’t look excessive, and looks comfortable

Senin, 13 Juli 2020

                  Suggestions and offers
                             By.Rifki & Auvia

at dinner time .
 Parents want to talk to their children.

 Mom : sarah , you're already successful, the goal of becoming a model is already achieved.  You know, our family has a business.  And, while mom and dad already getting old, I wants you to major in business abroad to continue this company.

 Sarah: But, I'm already comfortable with my current situation.

 The next day.
 met with 2 friends.

 Sarah : Guys , I want tell you the story, I'm confused, I was asked to continue business school, to continue the family company.  What do you think I shall do?

 Anna: It seems, in my opinion, you could follow what your parents say.

 Olivia: But, I prefer like you are more comfortable now.

 Sarah become dizzy with their friends' choices

 Olivia: what if you tell God, or you can pray istikharah

 Anna: it’s a good idea.

 Sarah Istikharah prayer, ask for directions

 The next morning

 Dad: there's wants to talk, Sarah. Forgive dad and mom, we realize that we can't force you to be what we want.  Because, you have your own desires.

 Sarah: Thank you, Dad, for allowing me what I want.

Senin, 16 Maret 2020

Covid 19

3.Viruses have several types, in general it has  characteristics, classification and diseases that can be caused specifically. Analyze virus characteristics based on:

a.Characteristics of viruses
1. Very small size (microscopic) between 20 nanometers to 400 nanometers.
  2. Can reproduce or reproduce yourself.
  3Can improve mutation.
  4. Does not have cells and organs that are normally present in cells (such as cell membranes, cytoplasm, and nucleus).
  5. Have either DNA or RNA.
  6. Can only develop by infecting certain living cultivation cells.

b.Virus form   1. Round body shape by viruses that cause AIDS, ebola and influenza.
  2. Body shape caused by viruses that cause rabies.
  3. Body shape possessed by the TMV virus (Tobaccao Mosaic Virus).
  4. Body shape caused by the Adenovirus virus which causes fever.
  5. The body shape of the letter T in bacteriophages, the virus attacks the bacteria E. coli.

c.Virus structure
1. Head
The virus has a head containing DNA or RNA which is the genetic material of life. 
2. Body Fill
The contents of the body of the virus or commonly called virion, is a genetic material in the form of one type of nucleic acid (DNA or RNA). 
3. Tail
The tail is part of the body structure of the virus that functions as a tool to attach itself to the host cell. 
4. Capsid
The capsid is a layer of a series of capsomers in the body of the virus that functions as a wrapper of DNA or RNA.

d.How the  virus cycle  life is 
The process of virus reproduction consists of five stages, namely adsorption, penetration, synthesis (eclifase), maturation and lysis.

e.Propagation of the virus
Viruses are organisms that need to infect a host cell in order to reproduce. The new viruses leave the infected cell and look for other susceptible cells to infect. The mathematical models for virus propagation are very similar to population and epidemic models, and involve a relatively large number of parameters. These parameters are very difficult to establish with accuracy, while variability in the cell and virus populations and measurement errors are also to be expected. To deal with this issue, we consider the parameters to be random variables with given distributions.

f.Virus Classification
1. Based on the organism being attacked
•First, bacteriophage is a virus that attacks bacterial cells. 
•Second, animal viruses are viruses that attack animal cells. 
•Third, plant viruses are viruses that attack plant cells.

g.Diseases caused by viruses
1. Colds
  2. Flu
  3. Smallpox Air
  4. Chikungunya
  5. Dengue hemorrhagic fever
  6. Viral hepatitis
  7. Rabies
  8. Rubella
  9. Zika Virus
  10. HIV / AIDS
  11. Ebola disease
  12. Enchepalis

4 a.Background epidemic corona virus
In December 2019, a group of cases of "pneumonia (pneumonia) with no known cause" were associated with the Huanan seafood wholesale market. This market has thousands of stalls selling various animals, such as fish, chickens, pheasants, bats, guinea pigs, poisonous snakes, deer spots, and other wild animals. After the corona virus is known as the cause of this disease, suspicion also arises that the new corona virus is sourced from animals. Most corona viruses circulate among animals, but six species have evolved and are capable of infecting humans, as seen in severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome (MERS), and four other corona viruses that cause mild respiratory symptoms like a cold. The six can be transmitted from human to human. 

b.symptoms of being infected with the corona virus
fever, runny nose, cough, sore throat, and headache; or symptoms of severe respiratory infections, such as high fever, cough with phlegm and even bleeding, shortness of breath, and chest pain.

c.how  Corona Virus spread
COVID-19 - spreads from person to person in close proximity, similar to other respiratory illnesses, such as the flu. Droplets of bodily fluids - such as saliva or mucus - from an infected person are dispersed in the air or on surfaces by coughing or sneezing. These droplets can come into direct contact with other people or can infect those who pick them up by touching infected surfaces and then their face. According to scientists, coughs and sneezes can travel several feet and stay suspended in the air for up to 10 minutes.

d.prevention of corona virus outbreaks
Wash your hands properly, Use a mask, Maintain endurance, Do not go to an infected country, Avoid contact with animals that have the potential to transmit coronavirus.

e.How to handle it
Dont get panic.

Selasa, 10 Maret 2020

The September 11 attacks or the 9/11 attacks are a series of four suicide attacks that have been set against several targets in New York City and Washington, D.C. on September 11, 2001. That morning, 19 hijackers from the Islamic militant group, al-Qaeda, hijacked four passenger jet planes. The hijackers accidentally crashed two planes into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City both towers collapsed within two hours. The hijackers also crashed a third plane into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. When a passenger tried to take over the fourth aircraft, United Airlines Flight 93, this plane crashed in the field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania and failed to reach its original target in Washington, D.C. According to a 911 investigation team report, around 3,000 people were killed in this attack. This incident was

carried out by Al-Qaeda. with some background, including: US support for Israel, Philipine support Muslim in the Moro Incidents, supporting Russian “atrocities again Muslims” in Checnya, supporting Indian “oppression of muslim”in Kashmir.

Selasa, 04 Februari 2020

                                               STORY OF MULAN

Many years ago, China was in the middle of a great war.  The Emperor said that one man from each Chinese family must leave his family to join the army. Mulan, a teenage girl who lived in a faraway village of China, heard the news when she was outside washing clothes.
Mulan ran into the house.  Her father was sitting in a chair, carving a piece of wood. “Father!" she said. "Did you hear what the Emperor says each family must do?” 
“Yes," said her old father, “I heard about it in town.  Well, I may as well go pack up.”  He put down his carving, stood up and walked very slowly to his room.  
“Wait!” said Mulan, “Father, you have not been well.  If I may say so, why at your age must you keep up with all those young men?”

“What else can be done?” said her father.  “Your brother is a child.  He cannot go.”
“Of course that's true,” said Mulan. “He is too little.  But I have an idea." She poured her father a cup of tea and handed it to him.  "Father, have some tea.  Please sit a minute.  I will be right back.”
"Very well, dear," said the father.
Mulan went into her room.  With her sword, she cut off her long, black hair. She put on her father’s robe.  Going back to her father, Mulan said, “Look at me.  I am your son now.  I will go in your place.  I will do my part for China.”
“No, my daughter!” said the old man. “You cannot do this!”

“Father, listen please," said Mulan.  “For years, you trained me in Kung Fu.  You showed me how to use a sword.”  Mulan swung the sword back and forth with might.
“Only so that you could stay safe!” said her father.  “I never meant for you to go to war.  If they find out you are a woman, you know as well as I do that you will die!”
“No one will find out, Father,” said Mulan.  She picked up her sword.
"Mulan!" said the Father.  He tried to get up but had to hold on to his chair. 
The daughter kissed him goodbye.  "I love you, Father," she said.  "Take care of yourself.  Tell my brother I said goodbye." She climbed on a family horse.  And off she went to join the Emperor’s army.

In the army, Mulan proved to be a brave soldier.  In time, she was put in charge of other soldiers.  Her battles went so well that she was put in charge of more soldiers.  Her battles kept on going well.  After a few years Mulan was given the top job - she would be General of the entire army.  
Not long after that, a very bad fever swept through the army.  Many soldiers were sick.  And Mulan became sick, too, the General of the army. 
When the doctor came out of Mulan's tent, he knew the truth.
“The General is a woman?” yelled the soldiers.  “How can this be?”  Some called out, “She tricked us!” and “We will not fight for a woman!” They said, “Punish her!  Make her pay!  The cost is for her to die!” But others called out, in voices just as loud, “With Mulan, we win every battle!”  They said, “Stay away from our General!”
Just then, a soldier ran up.  “Everyone!" he called.  "A surprise attack is coming!”   
Mulan heard this from inside her tent.  She got dressed and went outside.  She was not yet strong, but stood tall.  She told the soldiers where they must go to hide so they could attack when the enemy came.  But they must get there fast!  The soldiers, even those who did not like that their General was a woman, could tell that Mulan knew what she was talking about. 
It worked!  The battle was won.  It was such a big victory that the enemy gave up, at last.  The war was over, and China was saved!  You can be sure that after that last battle, no one cared anymore that Mulan was a woman.

The Emperor was so glad that Mulan had ended the long war, he set aside the rule about being a woman.  “Mulan, stay with me in the palace,” he said. “Someone as smart as you would be a fine royal adviser.”  
Mulan bowed deeply.  “You are too kind, Sire,” she said.  “But if you please.  What I wish most of all is to return home to my family.”
“Then at least take these fine gifts,” said the Emperor. "So everyone at your home village will know how much the Emperor of China thinks of you."
Mulan returned to her village with six fine horses and six fine swords. Everyone cheered that she was safe.  The person who had saved China was their very own Mulan!


1.why she cut her long black hair?
2.what the truth the doctor find of General ?
3. why he would risk his life?
4. what do you think about mulan character?
5. how did the soldiers respond when they heard the truth about his general?
6. what did Mulan do after hearing that an attack had come?
7. what happened in that war?  did they win?
8. what does the king offer mulan?
9. what did Mulan bring after returning to the village?
10. what lessons can be taken from this story?  mention 3!

Selasa, 07 Januari 2020

       HII Guys so today I want to tell you about my last holiday , a few days ago I went to Paris Van Java for played ice skating with my friend ,I went with my friend and our parents , this is no't my first time for played ice skating but iam no't pro player, i played ice skating until two hour and finally my legs hurt a little ,after having ice skating I went for meal because I was tired and hungry , I had sop kaki because I wanted to try it as it has a delicious flavor.

       Having our meal, my parents were  searching cafe with good scenery and had delicious food and drink, finally my parents found a nice place  up dago its name  is skyline cafe so we went to that place, and when we arrived I was surprised  that scenery is very very good , in that place i saw many  light which makes the cafe more cool ,the cafe has fourth floors with rooftop in the fourth floor, and had a city light view.

       The first floor like a lobby because it had seat to wait and tabel, I think that table like reception desk other than it there also stairs,lift, and parking place.